Heymo Engineering

Innovation and experience at the service of our clients

Leading company in consulting and professional engineering services


Excellence, Flexibility, Responsibility and Independence


Help our clients optimize the value of their investments through the technology and experience of our team

100% Técnicas Reunidas

Present in HEYMO’s shareholders since 1975, Técnicas Reunidas acquired all of the shares in 2015, turning it into a Sole Shareholder Company.


We are capable of adapting to any project and client, establishing the most appropriate structure.


We are not linked to manufacturers or contractors, we are focused on the client and only to him do we answer for our work.


We show our commitment to customers and society, integrating sustainable development goals


We continuously improve with the latest technologies on proven solutions in a multitude of projects

Activity sectors


Plants for the production of hydrogen, titanium dioxide, industrial gases, PVC emulsion, membrane electrolysis, catalytic oxidation, cellulose and paper, ferroalloys, aluminum recycling, cement plants and chemical storage plants.

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Experience in conventional energy (combustion plants, combined cycles, cogeneration, and trigeneration), and in renewable energies (energy recovery from waste and biomass through incineration, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, biofuels, etc., as well as solar thermal processes, wind, photovoltaic and hydrogen).

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Building and Infrastructures

Comprehensive Project Management (Project Management). Design, drafting of projects and work management for singular buildings, industrial plants and infrastructures such as logistics warehouses, cargo and passenger terminals at airports, manufacturing plants, offices or corporate headquarters.

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Water engineering

Hydrological planning, water resources management, environmental studies, technical-legal analysis of water rights. Feasibility studies, preliminary projects, construction projects and technical assistance for the supervision of hydraulic infrastructure works.

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Our history

HEYMO’s innovative project was born in 1964, in full industrial development in Spain, thanks to the vision and enthusiasm of two great engineers: Rafael Heredia and Anselmo Moreno

Initially, the activity focused on the execution of construction projects and singular buildings, gradually extending to projects related to industrial and chemical processing plants, wastewater treatment, transportation facilities, gas and pulp and paper distribution.

In a few years, HEYMO extends its activity to foreign markets, signing, among others, turnkey contracts for a fertilizer plant in Venezuela, the Durán-Quito pipeline (Ecuador), or a Meliá Hotel in Bagdad (Iraq).

This year the name of the company was changed to “HEYMO INGENIERÍA, S.A.” and the entry into the capital of Finnish engineering Pöyry (60%) and Técnicas Reunidas (40%).

During the 1990s, significant international activity was achieved in industrial plants, pipeline transportation, cogeneration plants, infrastructure and the telecommunications market.

The considerable increase in business in the power generation sector prompted the creation of a specific business area. Combined cycle, cogeneration, biomass or thermosolar plant projects are carried out, while project development continues in traditional areas such as hydrogen plants, paper mills, unique buildings or fuel transportation pipelines.

As of 2015, HEYMO will be 100% owned by Técnicas Reunidas, reinforcing itself with the absorption of the Water Engineering and Infrastructures teams that previously formed part of TRIMA (Técnicas Reunidas Infrastracture and Environment).

Corporate Social Responsibility

Heymo Engineering conducts its activities in compliance with the Técnicas Reunidas Group’s Corporate Responsibility Policy. This Policy describes the company’s commitments to act on environmental, social and ethical issues.


In its desire to contribute to the progress and sustainability of society, Técnicas Reunidas has adhered to the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative in sustainable development, which it has supported for several years.


As a fundamental part of the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, Heymo Ingeniería promotes, as one of its priorities, an upright behavior in all the relationships that make up the exercise of its activity. The principles that guide this behavior are included in the Técnicas Reunidas Group’s Code of Conduct, which is part of its corporate culture.

Likewise, Heymo Ingeniería’s Integrated Policy for Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety includes its commitment to provide professional services with the highest level of satisfaction, both for its clients and for its partners, shareholders, suppliers, workers and society. usually.

Management team

Joaquin de Hita

Joaquin de Hita

Managing Director

Verónica Herrero

Verónica Herrero

Building Area Director

Paloma Hernández

Paloma Hernández

HR Director

Ester Álava

Ester Álava

Director of the Water Engineering Area

Roberto Casado

Roberto Casado


Samuel Calabrés

Samuel Calabrés

Director of the Energy Area

Manuel Santos

Manuel Santos

Industrial Area Director

Do you need help with your projects?

15 + 13 =


Avenida de Burgos, núm. 89. Edificio 5, planta 1ª
Parque Empresarial ADEQUA

28050 – Madrid – España

Teléfono:  +34 913 822 300


Desarrollo de negocio:  comercial@heymo.com

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