Leading company in consulting and professional engineering services

Heymo Engineering

Engineering and Consulting Services


Our engineering department doesn’t just stay in the design. We use the latest technologies for the development of our projects with BIM methodology in all its phases, (SmartPlan 3D, NavisWork, Revit, etc.) and we take you hand in hand studying the technical requirements of the project and the investment costs to be able to carry out the best contracting in the execution phase.


  • Technical and economic-financial feasibility studies
  • Conceptual and Basic Engineering
  • FEED/FEL Studies
  • Detail Engineering
  • Technical Assistance for Construction

Consulting and Management

After design, we continue to support you in public or private tendering processes and procurement. And our Work Management service will complete our accompaniment until the project is a reality.


  • Management of Public and Private Tenders, Visas, Activity Licenses
  • Procurement Management
  • Purchasing Management
  • Works Addresses: supervision, safety and health, quality, environment, technical office, commissioning.

Project Management

At HEYMO we have the right equipment to manage projects throughout their lifecycle. We help implement Project Management Offices (PMO), and support the client in managing costs, risks, etc. We use the Project Management Institute (PMI) methodology as good practices for project management, with PMP certified staff® and with support from our Legal Department. We perform all types of project management services, including:


  • Project Management
  • EPCM projects
  • Construction Management
  • Contract Management
  • Cost management
  • Risk and Opportunity Management
  • Project Monitoring
  • BIM Management
  • Design and implementation of PMOs

We focus 100% on the needs
our customers and their satisfaction.

HEYMO is certified Quality, Safety and Health and Environment systems
as a provider of “Consulting and Engineering Services, Project Management, Design, Procurement and Procurement Management, Optional Management, Construction Management and Supervision, Environmental Assistance, Safety and Health Coordination, and Start-up Assistance”

ISO 9001:
Quality Management System
ISO 14001:
Environmental Management System
ISO 45001:
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Award given to AENA to the Candidacy of the Barajas Plan by the Occupational Safety and Health Management System in large construction projects implemented by the UTE HEYMO-SGS.

National Prize for Industrial Engineering in the Engineering Project modality, for participation in the Expansion Project of the Repsol Refinery in Cartagena.
May 2011.

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